Dynamics research on coupling system of medium-low speed maglev train and large span bridges based on stiffness and damping system
投稿时间:2022-12-30  修订日期:2023-03-21
中文关键词:  磁浮列车  连续梁桥  车桥耦合  位移限值
英文关键词:maglev vehicle  continuous girder bridge  vehicle-bridge coupled vibration  displacement limit value
罗浩 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201 44428246@qq.com 
徐楚懿 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201  
甘贤备 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201  
刘谋刚 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院, 湘潭 411201  
郭向荣 中南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙 410075  
摘要点击次数: 65
全文下载次数: 46
      针对中低速磁浮列车与大跨度连续梁桥的耦合动力响应问题,本文基于等效刚度阻尼系统建立多编组磁浮列车模型;基于国内在建磁浮专线连续梁桥(35 m+55 m+35 m),采用ANSYS中实体单元建立全桥模型。并将两个独立系统在SIMPACK进行车桥耦合,设定车重参数分别为空载、定员和超载,且列车按单线和双线工况运行,计算耦合系统的动力响应。结果表明,本文建立的列车模型受到轨道激励时,磁浮间隙在额定范围内浮动,即等效刚度阻尼系统有良好的控制效果;车辆磁浮间隙的变化量、车体竖向加速度与车重成反比,而磁浮力与车重成正比;在计算工况下,桥梁主跨及边跨的竖向位移均满足设计要求的限值,双线列车超载运行桥梁跨中最大位移仅为4.503 mm。说明连续梁桥具有较大的刚度,能满足磁浮车辆安全运行的要求;对比列车单双线运行,主跨跨中的竖向位移最大值后者达到前者两倍,而边跨位移的最大值后者仅比前者增大70%,表明双线列车对开运行对桥梁的动力响应存在增大效应。相关研究成果对磁浮线路建设有一定参考意义。
      In order to study the dynamic response of low and medium-speed Maglev trains and multi-span bridges,this paper simplifies suspension control of Maglev as a stiffness-damping system based on the spring damping method,and establishes a multi-body dynamics model of trains.Taking a continuous girder bridge of a Maglev line under construction in China as an background,the FE model of the bridge is established with ANSYS.Then the coupling vibration of the vehicle and bridge is analyzed by importing the two independent systems into SIMPACK.The car weight in the calculation condition is set to empty,rated passenger capacity,overload,respectively and the train runs according to single and double lines.The results show that the suspension gap fluctuates within the required scope when the train is being excited,i.e.,the spring-damping method has a well-controlled effect and is suitable for coupled vibration analysis.The suspension gap fluctuations and the acceleration of the car body are inversely proportional to the vehicle weight,while the Maglev force is proportional to this parameter.Under the calculated conditions,the vertical displacements of the key sections of the bridge meet the code limits,indicating that the continuous beam bridge can ensure the safety of the Maglev train operation.In comparison with the peak vertical displacement in the main span,the train double-line condition is twice as large as the single-line condition,while the maximum value of the side span displacement is only 70% larger in the former than in the latter.This demonstrates that the train double-line condition has a greater effect on the dynamic response of the bridge.The relevant research results have certain significance for the construction of maglev lines.
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