Block diagonal and higher order mass matrices for Hermite beam elements
投稿时间:2023-09-09  修订日期:2023-10-20
中文关键词:  埃尔米特梁单元  振动频率  集中质量矩阵  分块对角质量矩阵  高阶质量矩阵
英文关键词:Hermite beam element  vibration frequency  lumped mass matrix  block diagonal mass matrix  higher order mass matrix
王东东 厦门大学 土木工程系 福建省滨海土木工程数字仿真重点实验室, 厦门 361005 ddwang@xmu.edu.cn 
吴振宇 厦门大学 土木工程系 福建省滨海土木工程数字仿真重点实验室, 厦门 361005  
侯松阳 厦门大学 土木工程系 福建省滨海土木工程数字仿真重点实验室, 厦门 361005  
摘要点击次数: 617
全文下载次数: 369
      The lumped mass matrices of Hermite finite elements for Euler-Bernoulli beams are often constructed by the row sum technique via neglecting the rotational entries, or by the nodal quadrature.However, such lumped mass matrices of Hermite beam elements exhibit a sudden drop of accuracy in frequency calculation in case of free boundary conditions.In this study, based upon the numerical integration accuracy requirement, the gradient-enhanced nodal quadrature rules are developed for both cubic and quintic elements.These nodal quadrature rules lead to a block diagonal form of element mass matrices, while the assembled global mass matrix still preserves a desirable diagonal pattern except a few entries associated with the boundary nodes.The block diagonal mass matrices of cubic and quintic elements have an optimal convergence rate of 4 and a sub-optimal convergence rate of 6, respectively.Subsequently, through rationally mixing the consistent mass matrices and the mass matrices generated by the gradient-enhanced nodal quadrature rules with equal accuracy orders, superconvergent higher-order mass matrices are attained for cubic and quintic Hermite beam elements.The accuracy and robustness of the proposed block diagonal and higher-order mass matrices are systematically demonstrated by numerical results.
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