潘峰,陈远,蔡勇,包玉南,徐锃.考虑刚度折减的多棱锥型套接钢管杆挠度及附加弯矩研究[J].计算力学学报,2023,40(6):1008~1015 |
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考虑刚度折减的多棱锥型套接钢管杆挠度及附加弯矩研究 |
Study on deflection and additional bending moment of slip-joint connection for multi-pyramidal steel pole considering stiffness reduction |
投稿时间:2022-05-27 修订日期:2022-07-24 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20220527001 |
中文关键词: 输电线路 拔梢钢管杆 套接 截面惯性矩 挠度 附加弯矩 |
英文关键词:transmission line steel pole slip-joint connection Section moment of inertia deflection additional bending moment |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51878607)资助项目. |
摘要点击次数: 626 |
全文下载次数: 347 |
中文摘要: |
多棱锥型钢管杆广泛应用于城市周边输电线路,管与管之间通常采用法兰连接,套接连接应用不大。鉴于目前对于多棱锥型套接钢管杆挠度的计算方法研究相对较少,本文根据梁的挠曲线微分方程理论,结合套接节点刚度折减,推导出在常见荷载(弯矩M、水平力P和均布力q)作用下多棱锥型套接钢管杆挠度和附加弯矩的计算方法。最后,选取典型套接钢管杆进行对比分析,得出了一些重要结论。本文对套接钢管杆挠度计算进行细致的研究,可作为输电线路钢管杆套接连接设计的参考 |
英文摘要: |
Multi-pyramid steel pipe poles are widely used in transmission lines around cities.A flange connection is usually used for pipe to pipe connection,and slip-joint connection is not widely used.In view of the relatively few research on the calculation method of deflection of multi-pyramid steel pipe poles,this paper will derive the common load (bending moment M,horizontal force P and uniformly distributed force q) according to the theory of differential equation of the deflection curve of a beam and the reduction of stiffness of a slip-joint joint and additional bending moment of a multi-pyramid slip-joint steel poles.Finally,typical nested steel pipe rods are selected for comparative analysis,and some important conclusions are drawn.This paper makes a detailed study on the deflection calculation of slip-joint steel poles,which can be used as a reference for the design of slip-joint connections of steel poles of transmission lines. |
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