Efficient iterative updating inversion method based on Kriging surrogate model
投稿时间:2022-03-14  修订日期:2022-04-20
中文关键词:  参数反演  Kriging代理模型  粒子群优化  迭代更新
英文关键词:parameter inversion  Kriging surrogate model  particle swarm optimization  iterative updating
周广得 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京 211100  
吕小龙 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京 211100  
黄丹 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京 211100 danhuang@hhu.edu.cn 
姜冬菊 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京 211100  
摘要点击次数: 658
全文下载次数: 437
      To improve the efficiency and accuracy of inverse analysis of massive structures like a concrete dam,as well as to reduce the computational cost of finite element analysis,a new efficient iterative updating inversion method was constructed based on the recently developed Kriging surrogate model and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.The spatial distribution of the initial sample points was determined by the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method,and the corresponding responses were obtained by the finite element method to produce the samples with which a roughly initial Kriging model can be constructed.The regional elastic modulus of the massive structures is determined by using a combination of the surrogate model and PSO algorithm with excellent global optimization performance.The parameters obtained from the inverse analysis are applied in the subsequent finite element analysis to get the corresponding displacements and combining them as a new sample adding to the sample set to update the surrogate model for higher accuracy.Numerical examples show that the proposed hybrid method is suitable for inverse analysis of massive structures such as a concrete dam with higher accuracy and efficiency while remarkably reducing the computational cost of normal analysis in traditional model-based inverse analysis.
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