杜永浩,高经纬,姜乐华.基于离散元法的刚性履带低含水软地面附着特性数值分析[J].计算力学学报,2017,34(3):384~389 |
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基于离散元法的刚性履带低含水软地面附着特性数值分析 |
Numerical analysis on the adhesion property of rigid track on the soft ground with low moisture by discrete element method |
投稿时间:2016-03-18 修订日期:2016-08-27 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx201703017 |
中文关键词: 离散元法 刚性履带 低含水 软地面 细观分析 |
英文关键词:discrete element method rigid track low moisture soft ground micro-analysis |
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中文摘要: |
针对低含水软地面低黏性、高摩擦的力学特性,以刚性履带在干燥壤土行驶这一典型工况为试验条件,基于离散单元法选取合理的颗粒细观参数,在三轴剪切试验的基础上建立并验证了土壤数值仿真模型。通过数值牵引试验,对刚性履带低含水软地面的附着特性进行了离散元细观分析。分析表明,土壤附着力随履刺的向后排列而递减;垂直于履带行驶方向的附着作用不可忽略;离散元法能更好地还原低含水软地面的力学特性,揭示了土壤颗粒在动态荷载下非连续的本质,适合于干燥、松散的低含水软地面数值研究。 |
英文摘要: |
Soft ground with low moisture has the property of low viscosity and high friction.When a rigid track operates on a dry soil,the numerical simulation model of soil is established and verified according to the triaxal test together with the reasonable parameters selected in discrete element method (DEM).Analysis of the adhesion property of the rigid track on this kind of soft ground with low moisture is conducted through numerical traction tests.Micro-analysis indicates that adhesive force decreases with the grouser backward arranged and the adhesive effect perpendicular to the driving direction cannot be neglected.Revealing the essentially discontinuous medium of soil particles under dynamic loads,discrete element method is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of soft ground with low moisture better,which is suitable for the numerical study of dry and incompact soil conditions. |
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