Application of quasi-initial condition boundary element method in transient heat conduction problem on gravity dams
投稿时间:2015-07-24  修订日期:2015-10-10
中文关键词:  时域边界元法  数值稳定性  瞬态热传导问题  拟初始条件法  虚拟时刻法
英文关键词:time domain boundary element method  numerical stability  transient heat conduction  quasi-initial condition method  virtual time point method
周枫林 湖南工业大学 机械工程学院, 株洲 412001
湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计与制造国家重点实验室, 长沙 410082 
李光 湖南工业大学 机械工程学院, 株洲 412001 liguanguw@126.com 
孙晓 湖南工业大学 机械工程学院, 株洲 412001  
张见明 湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计与制造国家重点实验室, 长沙 410082  
摘要点击次数: 1578
全文下载次数: 902
      This paper applies a quasi-initial condition boundary element method (BEM) to solve the transient heat conduction problems on gravity dam.In this application,a quasi-initial condition method is utilized to calculate the integral over time.In the time-stepping scheme,the effects of the results computed forward on the current step are treated as the initial condition of the current step computation.In the quasi-initial condition method,however,numerical stability problem appears when the utilized time step is very small.The computational error increases gradually with the time stepping.To solve this numerically unstable problem,a virtual time point method is presented in this paper.In this method,the computational time step is amplified to some virtual time step which is usually with larger scale.The physical variables at the virtual time point are evaluated at first.In the evaluation of the physical variables at virtual time point,the boundary condition at that time is assumed and computed through a linear extra-interpolation scheme.The variables at the computational time point are then evaluated through an interpolation scheme.Validity of this method in the case that the physical variables vary linearly with time is proved.Two numerical examples are presented finally to show the accuracy and the stability of the present method.
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