何文,赵奎,宁建国.注浆锚杆中扭转导波的传播特性[J].计算力学学报,2015,32(5):650~655 |
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注浆锚杆中扭转导波的传播特性 |
Properties of torsional guided wave propagating in grouting bolts |
投稿时间:2014-06-26 修订日期:2014-09-12 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx201505012 |
中文关键词: 注浆锚杆 注浆体 扭转导波 能量速度 衰减 频散 |
英文关键词:grouting bolt grouting media torsional guided wave energy velocity attenuation dispersion |
基金项目:江西省科技支撑计划(20141BBG70097);江西省自然科学基金(20132BAB216019);江西省工业安全工程技术研究中心开放基金(2013GGY001);江西理工大学科研基金重点(NSFJ2014-K05)资助项目. |
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中文摘要: |
理论研究了扭转导波在注浆锚杆中的传播特性。首先建立了注浆锚杆两层复合结构中的扭转导波的频散方程,之后数值计算得到了扭转导波的能量速度、衰减频散曲线及导波在注浆锚杆中的位移分布情况。结果表明,(1) 500 kHz范围内,注浆锚杆中具有三种扭转导波模态T(0,1)~T(0,3),三种模态均具有频散性。随着频率逐渐增大,导波的能量速度逐渐增大,而衰减值逐渐减小。(2) 50 kHz和200 kHz的T(0,1)模态扭转导波在锚杆体内的周向位移值较大,所以对锚杆体表面的轴向缺陷敏感,而导波在锚杆与注浆体接触面上的周向位移较大,从锚杆泄漏至注浆体中的能量较大,导波衰减较严重。(3) 频率高于100 kHz,锚杆直径的变化对T(0,1)模态的能量速度几乎无影响,而频率低于100 kHz,注浆体弹性模量越大,T(0,1)模态的能量速度越小。 |
英文摘要: |
The propagation characteristics of torsional guided waves in grouting bolts were theoretically studies.Firstly,dispersion equations of torsional guided wave propagation in two-layer structure of grouting bolts were established,then energy velocity and attenuation dispersion curves were calculated and displacement distribution characteristics of guided waves were obtained.Results show that:(1) In the frequency range of 500 kHz,only three torsional guided wave modes exist in grouting bolts,which are T(0,1)、T(0,2) and T(0,3),and the three guided wave modes are dispersive.As frequency increases.guided wave energy velocity increases as well,and the attenuation value of guided wave decreases.(2) T(0,1) guided wave mode with frequencies of 50 kHz and 200 kHz maintains large circumferential displacement inside the bolt,which means that the guided wave mode is suitable for bolt flaw testing.Meanwhile the guided wave mode maintains large circumferential displacement in the bolt/grout interface,which leads to guided wave energy leakage from bolt into grout media,and guided wave attenuates significantly.(3) When guided wave frequency is higher than 100 kHz,the varying of bolt diameter has almost no effect on T(0,1) mode guided wave energy velocity,At the meantime,when guided wave frequency is lower than 100 kHz,T(0,1) mode guided wave energy velocity decreases as the increasing of grout media'elastic modulus. |
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