陈玉震,张盛,陈飙松,张洪武.基于开放式结构有限元系统SiPESC.FEMS的动力时程分析通用算法构架[J].计算力学学报,2014,31(2):217~222 |
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基于开放式结构有限元系统SiPESC.FEMS的动力时程分析通用算法构架 |
Algorithm framework for time-history analysis based on open finite element system SiPESC. FEMS |
投稿时间:2012-12-08 修订日期:2013-05-05 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx201402013 |
中文关键词: 面向对象 有限元 SiPESC.FEMS 动力时程分析 算法构架 |
英文关键词:object-oriented finite element SiPESC. FEMS time-history analysis algorithm framework |
基金项目:国家基础性发展规划(2010CB832704);国家高技术研究发展计划(2012AA050901);国家自然科学基金(11072050,11232003,91315302);中央高校基本科研业务费专项(DUT12ZD206)资金项目. |
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中文摘要: |
基于开放式结构有限元分析软件系统SiPESC.FEMS,针对动力时程分析算法共性,采用C++面向对象程序设计方法和软件设计模式,研发了一种结构动力分析通用算法构架。构架的核心思想是算法与数据模型相分离,从而实现算法通用性,整个构架由四个基本类及子类构成。本文重点阐述了基本类的抽象过程和通用接口的设计思想,给出了利用插件技术实现算法构架的步骤。利用该构架已实现了Newmark法、Wilson-θ法、中心差分法及改进中心差分法,并进行数值验证。研究工作表明,算法构架适用于通用时程积分算法,可方便地进行动态扩展,具备良好的开放性和重用性。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the open finite element system SiPESC.FEMS,a new general algorithm framework for structural time-history analysis is constructed by using C++ object-oriented programming method and software design patterns method,which considers the common features of time-history analysis algorithms.The core idea of the framework is that data model class and algorithmic class are designed individually.The whole framework includes four basic classes.The abstract process of the basic classes and the design idea of common interface are introduced,and the development process of the framework is given by employing the software plug-in technology.Furthermore,Newmark method,Wilson-θ method,central difference method and its improved method are implemented and numerical verifications are given.This investigation shows that the algorithmic framework has favorable extensibility and reusa-bility which is applicable to the general time-history analysis. |
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