张红平,柏劲松,王刚华.复杂加载下材料动态响应的数据反演技术[J].计算力学学报,2013,30(6):790~795 |
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复杂加载下材料动态响应的数据反演技术 |
Material dynamic response analysis under complex loading using backward integration method |
投稿时间:2012-05-15 修订日期:2012-09-18 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx201306007 |
中文关键词: 复杂加载 反积分方法 数值模拟 梯度飞片 |
英文关键词:complex loading backward integration method numerical computation graded density impactor |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11072228,11102193,11176002);中物院科技发展基金(2010A0201006,2011B0201003)资助项目. |
摘要点击次数: 5167 |
全文下载次数: 2018 |
中文摘要: |
对梯度飞片撞击复杂路径加载实验中,具有冲击加载-斜波加载-斜波卸载的金属铝材料的波剖面信息进行了数据分析和处理,不同加载路径用不同力学响应关系式进行描述,以铝材料\氟化锂窗口界面处的速度剖面作为初始条件,用反积分方法向铝材料内部直至加载面进行了反向计算,所得计算结果与正向计算结果比较吻合较好。计算得到了材料内能、温度、声速及应变率在复杂路径加载中变化规律,并给出了材料的P-V参考线,所得结果可与正向积分计算结果相互校核。 |
英文摘要: |
In complex loading experiments of graded density impactor,shock loading-ramp loading -ramp unloading metal aluminum experiment was analyzed.Different mechanical response relations were used for different loading path.From velocity profiles in interface between Al sample and LiF window material,sample interior information were calculated using backward integration method.Numerical results show that calculated loading velocity and loading pressure appear to be in good agreement with the forward integration results.The inner energy,temperature,Lagrangian sound speed and strain rate in loading surface of Al are discussed.The P-V reference curve also is provided for equation of state research.The numerical results make a check on forward calculating data. |
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