王成,韩文虎,宁建国.三维气相爆轰动态并行计算程序设计与开发[J].计算力学学报,2012,29(6):948~953 |
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三维气相爆轰动态并行计算程序设计与开发 |
Design and development of dynamic parallel computing code for three-dimensional gaseous detonation |
投稿时间:2011-09-26 修订日期:2011-12-28 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20126022 |
中文关键词: 爆轰波 MPI 动态并行 WENO格式 |
英文关键词:detonation wave MPI dynamic parallel WENO scheme |
基金项目:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0043); 国家自然科学基金(10972040);爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室自主研究课题重点项目(ZDKT11-01)资助项目. |
摘要点击次数: 2286 |
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中文摘要: |
在三维气相爆轰数值研究中,网格精度和计算域的规模导致网格数占有非常庞大的计算资源,进而给数值模拟带来了极大的挑战。本文针对这一难题,采用5阶WENO格式对带化学反应Euler方程组进行空间离散,基于MPI(Message Passing Interface)并行模式开发了高精度动态并行代码,并对爆轰波在带有障碍物的三维方形管道中的传播过程进行计算。计算结果表明,高精度动态并行计算能够很好的模拟三维气相爆轰波在大尺寸管道中的传播,不仅提高了计算效率,而且提高了爆轰波阵面的分辨率。与高精度静态并行相比,高精度动态并行计算减少了界面数据通信时间,从而进一步提高了计算效率。因此,高精度动态并行程序为探究三维气相爆轰新的物理机制提供有效的手段。 |
英文摘要: |
In numerical simulation of three-dimensional gaseous detonation,a large number of grids resulting from relative mesh resolution and large-scale computing domain consume tremendous computing resources,which brings a great challenge for the numerical simulation.Based on MPI parallel mode,this paper uses 5-th order WENO scheme to discrete partial differential term of the governing equations with chemical reaction,and develops high-resolution dynamic parallel code.Then it is used to simulate the propagation of detonation in square tube with obstacle.The numerical results show that high-resolution dynamic parallel code can effectively simulate the propagation of 3-D gas detonation in large-scale tube.It not only improves the computational efficiency but also the resolution of the detonation wave front.Compared with static parallel mode,high-resolution dynamic parallel code saves communication time of data in interface,and further enhances the computational efficiency.So,it is an effectively means to explore new physical mechanism of 3-D gaseous detonation. |
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