刘俊,林皋,李建波.短峰波与双层开孔圆筒柱相互作用的数值分析[J].计算力学学报,2012,29(5):646~653 |
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短峰波与双层开孔圆筒柱相互作用的数值分析 |
Interaction of the short-crested waves with double-layered porous cylindrical columns |
投稿时间:2011-07-05 修订日期:2011-11-28 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20125002 |
中文关键词: 比例边界有限元 短峰波 双层开孔圆筒柱 波浪绕射 波浪与结构相互作用 |
英文关键词:scaled boundary finite-element method short-crested wave double-layered porous cylindrical columns wave diffraction wave-structure interaction |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金中德合作研究(GZ566);国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体基金(51121005); 清华大学水沙科学国家重点实验室开放基金(shlhse-2010-C-03)资助项目. |
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中文摘要: |
应用比例边界有限元法(SBFEM)研究了短峰波与双层开孔圆筒柱相互作用。该方法将整个计算域划分成两个有限子域和1个无限子域,利用SBFEM使空间维数降低一阶,并在降维方向保持解析的特点,只需对求解域外圆柱边界进行离散。通过比例坐标与直角坐标之间的转换,并利用变分原理推导了各个子域的SBFEM方程。然后,SBFEM针对有限域和无限域分别采用贝塞尔函数和汉克尔函数作为基函数来求解对应域的解,并将计算结果与解析解进行比较,验证了该方法是一种用很少单元便能得到精确结果的高效方法。进一步研究了诸如相对波数ka、内外柱半径比a/b和内外壁孔隙影响系数G等对双层开孔圆筒柱结构所受波浪荷载、结构内外侧波浪爬升及绕射波轮廓的影响。为双层开孔圆筒柱水动力分析和结构设计提供了有价值的参考。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper describes the development of the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) for the solution on short-crested wave interaction with double-layered porous cylindrical columns.The entire computational domain is divided into several sub-domains including two bounded domains and an unbounded domain.Through a transformation from Cartesian coordinates to Scaled coordinates,a new variational principle formulation is used to derive the SBFEM equations in each sub-domain,which reduces spatial dimension by one,analytical procedure is applied in the reduced direction,and only the boundary of the exterior cylinder needs be discretized.Comparison between the present numerical solutions with the analytical one is made.The results show that the present method yields excellent results with quite few nodes and quick convergence.The influence of varying the relative wave numberka,radius ratioa/bbetween the two cylinders and the porous coefficients of the interior and exterior cylinders on the system hydrodynamics,including the wave force,wave run-up,and diffracted wave contour is examined,and extensive results on them are presented.The present results are of practical significance to the hydrodynamic analysis and design for the double-layered porous cylinders. |
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