Seismic response control for system with distributed parameters based on state observer
投稿时间:2010-01-23  修订日期:2010-09-08
中文关键词:  带分布参数体系  地震响应  振动控制  状态观测器  模态控制算法
英文关键词:system with distributed parameters  seismic response  vibration control  full state observers  modal control algorithm
刘彦辉 广州大学 减震控制与结构安全国家重点实验室(培育),广州 510405
北京工业大学 工程抗震与结构诊治北京市重点实验室,北京 100124 
杜永峰 西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心,兰州 730050  
周福霖 广州大学 减震控制与结构安全国家重点实验室(培育),广州 510405
北京工业大学 工程抗震与结构诊治北京市重点实验室,北京 100124 
谭平 广州大学 减震控制与结构安全国家重点实验室(培育),广州 510405  
闫维明 北京工业大学 工程抗震与结构诊治北京市重点实验室,北京 100124  
摘要点击次数: 2215
全文下载次数: 1444
      针对带分布参数体系地震响应控制问题,建立带分布参数体系的运动控制方程,推导出应用于带分布参数体系的序列最优模态控制算法。根据序列最优模态控制算法振动控制时对结构全状态反馈的需要,提出了针对序列最优模态控制算法的全维状态观测器,形成基于全维状态观测器的序列最优模态控制算法,然后通过测量容易测量的结构地震响应,由全维状态观测器重构结构的全部状态,从而实现在实际工程中通过基于全维状态观测器的序列最优模态控制算法对带分布参数串联体系的地震响应进行振动控制。最后,对一带分布参数实际隔震的330 KV电压互感器进行地震响应控制,分别采用反馈结构全状态的序列最优模态控制算法及反馈输出的基于全维状态观测器的序列最优模态控制算法,仿真结果显示:两种算法均有良好的控制效果,隔震层位移及上部电气加速度有不同程度的减小,基于全维状态观测器的序列最优模态控制算法能够通过测量较少的结构响应输出反馈实现带分布参数的地震响应控制,达到反馈结构全状态的序列最优模态控制算法的控制效果。
      For seismic response control for the system with distributed parameters, the motion control equation of the system with distributed parameters is presented and sequential optimal modal control algorithm is derived. Due to the full state requirement of sequential optimal modal control algorithm, the full state observer is proposed. Then the full state of the system under earthquake is reconstructed by the seismic response of the system easily measured by feedback sensors. Therefore, the seismic response control for system with distributed parameters is realized in the actually engineering by using the sequential optimal modal control algorithm based on full state observers. A seismic response control case of the isolated 330 KV voltage transformer is analyzed by adopting sequential optimal modal control algorithm and sequential optimal modal control algorithm based on full state observers respectively, suggesting that the two control algorithms have the favorable control efficiency for the system with distributed parameters under earthquake and the displacement of isolation layer and acceleration of upper voltage transformer are decreased in different degree. In addition, the sequential optimal modal control algorithm based on full state observers can control the seismic response of the system with distributed parameters by the feedback seismic response measured easily and has the same control effect with sequential optimal modal control algorithm adopting full state feedback.
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