张洪武,吕军.感性材料与结构分析的两尺度模型[J].计算力学学报,2010,27(2):189~195 |
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感性材料与结构分析的两尺度模型 |
Two-scale model for analysis of nastic materials and structures |
投稿时间:2009-11-27 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20102003 |
中文关键词: 感性材料 两尺度模型 耦合分析 |
英文关键词:nastic material two-sacle model coupled method |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10721062,50679013,90715037,10728205);国家973项目(2010CB832704)资助项目. |
摘要点击次数: 1631 |
全文下载次数: 1335 |
中文摘要: |
感性材料是一类仿生植物材料,是将化学能转化为机械能的高能量密度智能材料。由于感性胞元尺度小、数量多,造成含有感性材料的智能结构实验分析和数值模拟困难。本文针对感性材料驱动结构中感性胞元周期性分布的特点,建立感性材料与结构分析的两尺度模型,求解带有液体腔膨胀特征的感性胞元等效力学参数。在此基础上,结合文献[1]给出的感性材料离子传输模型,建立了基体两尺度力学分析模型与离子传输化学分析模型的耦合两尺度计算方法;进行了算例分析,数值结果验证了本文所建立的两尺度模型及其与离子传输模型耦合计算方法的正确和有效性。 |
英文摘要: |
Nastic material is a kind of high energy density active materials, which mimics the processes used in the plant kingdom to produce large deformations through the conversion of chemical energy. A structure which is composed of nastic materials is called nastic structure. The numerical simulation of a nastic structure is a difficult task due to that the nastic material is generally assembled by huge number of microcapsules. To overcome the difficulties, in the current research, a two-scale model is established for the numerical simulation of nastic structures composed periodically of the microcapsules inside. The effective mechanical parameters are predicted for the nastic structure in which a cell of fluid is located and the effective bending properties of a nastic plate are determined. Based on the results obtained by homogenization analysis, a coupled two-scale model (CTSM) is established for the mechanical analysis of nastic structures with combining the ion-transport model constructed in our previous work [1]. Numerical results are given and demonstrate the validity and efficiency of multi-scale method developed. |
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