冉景洪,刘子强,白鹏.相对弯度对低雷诺数流动中翼型动态气动力特性的影响[J].计算力学学报,2010,27(1):88~94 |
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相对弯度对低雷诺数流动中翼型动态气动力特性的影响 |
The effect of relative camber to the dynamic aerodynamic characteristics about pitching airfoils |
投稿时间:2008-03-28 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20101015 |
中文关键词: 微型飞行器 低雷诺数 不可压流 翼型弯度 动态气动力特性 |
英文关键词:Micro Aerial Vehicle low Reynolds number incompressible flow the relative camber dynamic aerodynamic characteristic |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10432040, 90605005)资助项目. |
摘要点击次数: 2084 |
全文下载次数: 1486 |
中文摘要: |
以固定翼微型飞行器为研究背景,研究了相对弯度对低雷诺数流动中翼型动态气动力特性的影响规律。采用Roe迎风差分格式和双时间步迭代方法,数值求解拟压缩性修正不可压Navier-Stokes方程组,给出了数值算法与实验数据的对比验证。以翼型弦长为特征长度,在Re=500~50000情况下,选取不同最大相对弯度和不同最大相对弯度位置的翼型,计算了其等速上仰时的动态气动力,结果表明后者对气动力的影响比较显著,把最大弯度位置布置在翼型弦向40%的地方要比布置在30%和50%两处所获得的动态升阻比大。 |
英文摘要: |
Numerical computations for Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) applications were conducted to analyze the effects of airfoil relative camber and its position to dynamic aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil with identical pitching rate at low Reynolds number. The dual —step Roe schema developed by Rogers was used to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations revised by artificial compressibility method. Verification was done between the numerical results and Walker’s experimental results. Taking the length of the chord as characteristic length, at the low Reynolds number (Re=500, 5000 and 50000), the dynamic aerodynamic characteristics were researched about different values of maximum relative camber and position. The research results indicated that the effect of the latter is more obvious than the former in the paper, and the dynamic lift-drag ratio was greater at 40% along chord than those of at 30% or at 50%. |
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