Some issues on AR models for wind field simulation
中文关键词:  风场模拟  标量过程AR模型  向量过程AR模型  Wiener-Khintchine公式  FFT  自回归顺序
英文关键词:wind field simulation  AR model of scalar process  AR model of vector process  Wiener-Khintchine formulas  FFT  Auto-Regressive sequence
张文福 大庆石油学院 土木建筑工程学院,大庆 163318
湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙 410082 
马昌恒 郑州大学 综合设计研究院,郑州 450002 
肖岩 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙 410082 
摘要点击次数: 1651
全文下载次数: 2035
      AR(Auto-Regressive) model is widely used in wind field simulation due to its outstanding performance on amount of computation and its efficiency in computation. In this paper, AR model is more systemic studied. It can be classified into two kinds of AR models as scalar and vector process. Reasonable explanation about parameters in the model has been carried on from the theoretical view. Modifications are performed on Wiener-Khintchine deduced formulas involved in both AR model of vector process and of scalar quantity which were applied into fluctuating wind field. It is found that FFT technique can be used in the calculation of elements of correlation matrix to get high computation efficiency. The problem of auto-regressive sequence found in programming by chance is put forward. Numerical examples show that sequence has more effects on the results of wind velocity time history sample and its unbiased auto-relation estimate and power spectrum estimate. It is hoped that more professions to pay attention on the sequence problem. AR model of scalar quantity is simpler and handled easily but doesn’t consider time-lag when simulating spatial correlation wind field. Relatively, AR model of vector process is more precise than that of scalar, which is also verified by both theoretical analysis and numerical trial, but this model needs more computating time due to the operation on big matrix and assembly of matrix.
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