Study on creep behavior of the bi-crystal with or without void in the grain boundary
中文关键词:  微空穴,晶界,双晶体,蠕变
英文关键词:void,gain boundary,bi-crystal,creep
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 , 航空科研项目 , 西北工业大学校科研和教改项目
温志勋  于庆民  岳珠峰
西北工业大学工程力学系 陕西西安710072
摘要点击次数: 1246
全文下载次数: 8
      Based on crystallographic theory,a creep constitutive relationship and a life predictive model have been presented.The crystallographic creep constitutive relationship has been implemented as an user subroutine 'CRPLAW' to MACR. Bi-crystal models containing a void in the grain boundary and bi-crystal model without void have been studied by the finite element method.Different loading directions have been studied in order to show the influence of relative direction of loading to grain boundary on the creep behavior of the bi-crystal.The numerical results of bi-crystal model show that there are a high stress gradient and stress concentration near the void and grain boundary.The existence of void has strong influence on creep durability life of the crystal.The stress distribution and creep strain characteristic are dependent on the crystallographic orientations of the two crystals and the grain boundary direction as well as the existence of void and loading directions.It is shown that the bi-crystal model with loading direction perpendicular to the grain boundary has the highest creep strain and creep damage,while that model with the loading direction parallel to the grain boundary has the minimum.The same conclusion is tenable to the growth of void.
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