Spline solution of nonlinear axisymmetrical buckling of an annular thin plate
中文关键词:  环形板  大挠度  压曲荷载  样条配点法
英文关键词:annular plate,large deflection,buckling load,spline collection method
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[1]天津大学土木系,天津300072 [2]中国建筑西南建筑设计研究院,成都610081
摘要点击次数: 1660
全文下载次数: 12
      The problem of the large deflection of an annular plate had only a few special numerical solutions because of the complication about boundary conditions.So far there is no investigation for nonlinear buckling of an annular plate subjected to uniformly radial thrust.Cubic B-splines taken as trial functions, the large deflection of an annular plate was calculated by the method of point collection.For the first time,critical loads of annular plates and buckling beyond the critical thrust were calculated by nonlinear theory.Under 12 different boundary conditions,the figures of the radial ratio of inside edge to outside edge-buckling load(including single outside edge thrust,single inside edge thrust or the same thrusts subjected to outside edge and inside edge) were drawn.These figures can be applied in engineering design.In general,if the floatpoint numbers have 16 significant digits,the relative error of buckling is less than 0.0001,when the number of point collocation n=100 or 200.Different n is used to solve the same problem.Their results are compared.Conclusions can be drawn on the accuracy and convergence region of solutions.It shows the advantages of the spline collection method are wide convergence region(the thrust is 13 times than those by the power series method),high precision and little amount of computing time.
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