Assessment and improvement of precise time step integration method
中文关键词:  精细积分方法  数值积分  精度分析  稳定性分析  矩阵指数计算
英文关键词:precise time step integration method,numerical integration,numerical stability,computation accuracy,the calculation technique of matrix exponential function
汪梦甫  区达光
[1]湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙410082 [2]香港大学土木工程系,香港
摘要点击次数: 1014
全文下载次数: 9
      In this paper, the numerical stability and the computation accuracy of precise time step integration method are discussed in detail. It is shown that the precise time step integration method is conditionally stable and this time integration scheme has inherent algorithmic damping, algorithmic period error and algorithmic amplitude decay, but the stability conditions and the computation accuracy requirements of this time integration scheme are easy to satisfy for the discretized structural models. Based on the above results, the optimum values of the truncation order L and 2-division order N are presented, the Gauss quadrature method is used to improve the computation accuracy of precise time step integration method, a new precise time step integration method is established. The proposed method avoids the inverse matrix calculation and the simulation of the applied loading and improves the computing efficiency. In particular, the proposed method is independent to the quality of the matrix [H]. If the matrix [H] is singular or nearly singular, the advantage of the method is remarkable. Finally, a numerical example verified the validity of the selections of L and N and the feasibility of improvement of precise time step integration method.
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