Mechanism motion and motion-deformation hybrid problems of cable-member systems
中文关键词:  索杆体系  机构运动  运动和变形的混合问题
英文关键词:cable-member systems,mechanism motions,motion-deformation hybrid problems,
张其林  罗晓群  杨晖柱
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 9
      Cable-member system, as one of the typical pre-tension steel structures, is being widely applied in engineering. Based on nonlinear finite element equilibrium equations, the incremental iteration formulations of the mechanism motion, elastic deformation and motion-deformation mixed problem for cable-member system are set up in this paper. The complementary solution and the special solution are derived and proposed, and their physical meanings are graphically explained. Then some basic concepts on mechanism motion, such as motion restrain vector, stationary state of mechanism motion and stability of stationary state, are illustrated. In view of the comparison between the mechanism motion problem and the elastic deformation problem, two types of the motion-deformation mixed problem are classified. The first is that the system has motion and deformation at the same time. The second is that the system reaches a stationary state through a rigid-body motion process firstly, then elastically deforms under external loads. The methods and procedures for tracing the whole motion-deformation paths are given for the two kind problems, respectively. The four-member trusses with different initial geometry, the sagging cable, and the PANDA dome are taken as the numerical examples. Their motions and deformations are numerically analyzed and the corresponding paths are traced. Numerical examples show that the methods in this paper can effectively trace the whole processes of mechanism motions, elastic deformations, and the hybrid problems of cable-member systems. The stationary state of the mechanism motions and the equilibrium state of the hybrid problems can be also easily found.
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