Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing process in heterogeneous rocks under different confining pressures
中文关键词:  水压致裂  非均匀性  数值模拟  破裂过程
英文关键词:hydraulic fracturing,heterogeneity,failure process,numerical simulation
杨天鸿  瞧畚交  芮勇勤  朱万成  李元辉  谭国焕
[1]东北大学岩石破裂与失稳研究中心,辽宁沈阳110006 [2]香港大学土木工程系,香港
摘要点击次数: 1654
全文下载次数: 16
      Hydraulic fracture is the classical coupling action of seepage-damage and it is very important of understanding the hydraulic fracture mechanisms to deal with the problems of rock seepage stability, such as dam instability and water outburst. On the heterogeneous characteristics of rock at microscopic level, in this paper, a numerical model, which couples the seepage and the failure process, is developed to study hydraulic fracturing phenomenon in permeable and heterogeneous rocks. In this model, material is discretized into a large number of elements with the same size and different mechanical and permeable parameters in order to represent heterogeneity of rock. A coupling analysis of seepage and damage under hydraulic fracturing on rock is performed to simulate the fracture process of rock. The numerical analyses given in this paper indicate that this model is capable in simulating the heterogeneous distribution of stress and permeability of rock subjected to hydraulic fracturing under different confining pressure. The modeling results suggest that the fracture initiation and propagation, the roughness of fracture path and the breakdown pressure are influenced considerably by the heterogeneity of the rock, the numerical results can agree well with the relevant experimental data.
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