A bi-directional algorithm of structural topology optimization
中文关键词:  结构优化  拓扑优化  进化优化  有限元分析  优化算法
英文关键词:structural evolutionary optimization,structural topology optimization,stress analysis,finite element analysis
荣见华  姜节胜  徐飞鸿  徐斌
[1]长沙理工大学汽车与机电工程学院,湖南长沙410076 [2]西北工业大学振动工程研究所,陕西西安710072
摘要点击次数: 1625
全文下载次数: 8
      The evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method has been under continuous deve-lopment since 1992. Originally the method was conceived from the engineering perspective that the topology and shape of structures were naturally conservative for safety reasons and therefore contained an excess of material. To move from the conservative design to a more optimum design would therefore involve the removal of material. The ESO algorithm caters for topology optimization by allowing the removal of material from all parts of the design space. With appropriate chequer-board controls and controls on the number of cavities formed, the method can reproduce traditional fully stressed topologies, and has been applied into the problems with static stress, stiffness, displacement etc. constraints. If the algorithm was restricted to the removal of surface-only material, then a shape optimization problem is solved. Recent research (Q.M. Quern) has presented a bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method whereby material can be added to and removed off. But there are much more oscillation states in optimizing iteration processes of this BESO method, it leads to long calculation time for an optimum solution. In order to improve this BESO method, in this paper, based on stresses and the evolutionary structural optimization method, a procedure for an improved bi-directional structural topology optimization is given. It is a development and modification of the conventional ESO and the BESO method. Two examples demonstrate that the proposed method can deal with the solution oscillatory phenomenon, and obtain more optimal structural topology, and is of higher reliability.
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