Discrete-time optimal control method for linear time-delay systems
中文关键词:  建筑结构  地震响应  离散最优控制  线性时滞系统  结构控制  运动方程  稳定性分析
英文关键词:time-delay,discrete optimal control,building structure,earthquake response
潘颖  王超  蔡国平
[1]西安交通大学工程力学系,西安710049 [2]上海交通大学工程力学系,上海200030
摘要点击次数: 1654
全文下载次数: 8
      A discrete-time optimal control method for linear systems with time-delay is proposed, in which a numerical algorithm for control implementation is presented. The controller is designed in terms of two cases that the time delay is respectively integer and non-integer times of the sampling period. The motion equation of system with time delay is transformed into standard discrete form that contains no time delay. Then, the optimal controller is designed by using the classical optimal control theory. The discrete quadratic function is used as objective function in design of the controller to guarantee good control efficiency on sampling points. In every step of computation of the deduced controller, it contains not only current step of state feedback but also linear combination of some former steps of control. Since the optimal controller is obtained directly from the time-delay differential equation, the control method proposed is prone to guarantee stability of the controlled structures. Instability in responses might occur if the system with time delay is controlled by the optimal controller designed with no consideration of time delay. Furthermore, the control method presented is available for the case of large time delay. Simulation results demonstrate that the continuous time performance index is superior to that of discrete-time and the control method presented ensures the stability of the controlled structures as well as the desired reduction in the maximum responses. The performance of the proposed control method under different sampling periods is investigated numerically to illustrate the feasibility for application to seismically excited linear systems.
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