Seismic analysis of arch dam with joints based on a new strain-rate-dependant plastic damage model
中文关键词:  高拱坝  混凝土应变率  非线性动力分析  本构关系  非线性弹塑性损伤模型  坝缝  压应力损伤  拉应力损伤
英文关键词:strain rate-dependant,nonlinear,concrete,damage,arch dam,contact,seismic
陈健云  林皋  胡志强
[1]大连理工大学土木水利学院,辽宁大连116024 [2]大连理工大学海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室,辽宁大连116024
摘要点击次数: 1688
全文下载次数: 8
      A new 3-dimensional strain rate-dependent damage constitutive model for massive concrete is proposed by introducing strain rate-dependant plastic damage variables as internal variables that vary with strain rates, and is applied in the seismic analysis of massive concrete structures. The effects of strain rates induced by seismic excitations on the tensile strength, compressive strength and plastic behavior are taken into account. Consistent with thermodynamic requirements, a strain-driven formalism is adopted. The nonlinear seismic responses of arch dams were computed using this model, and the dynamic interactions among dam-foundation-reservoir as well as the nonlinear dynamic contact of joints were included . The effects of strain rates and loading history on concrete limit strengths and strains are discussed, and the seismic responses of arch dams are compared with the results given by the corresponding rate-independent damage model. It is shown that the distribution of strain rates are different different parts and different times through seismic history which cause the tensile or compressive strength varing. The distribution of strain rates can not only influence the vibration modes of dam, but also have significant effects on the dynamic damage of arch dams.
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