Sliding-mode-based semi-active control for oscillations of structures
中文关键词:  结构振动 滑模变结构控制 磁流变阻尼器 半主动控制 非线性滞回双粘性模型 趋近律方法
英文关键词:magnetorheological damper (MRD),nonlinear hysteretic biviscous model,semi-active control,sliding-mode control,reaching law method
基金项目:教育部高等学校骨干教师计划,陕西省自然科学基金 ( 2 0 0 1SL10 )资助项目
孙清  $2  史庆轩  周进雄  倪建华
[1]西安交通大学建筑工程与力学学院,陕西西安710049 [2]西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安710054
摘要点击次数: 1374
全文下载次数: 11
      Magnetorheological (MR) dampers are new semi active control devices in which the damping forces are controlled by magnetic field. These dampers are well suited for semi active control of seismically loaded civil structures. In this study, the performance of a semi active control system based on newly developed MR fluid damper has been studied. A nonlinear hysteretic biviscous model is used to investigate the MR damper's behavior. The comparison between the analytical and experimental results verifies the theoretical analysis of the developed MR damper. On the other hand, this study focuses on the implementation of MR dampers in a semi active control system. The algorithms of semi active control for applications to seismically excited induced structure are studied. The control methods are based on the theory of variable structure system (VSS) or sliding mode control (SMC). A new kind of controller is proposed based on the reaching law method. Excellent results are obtained when this strategy is applied to control a model of a seismically excited three story scaled building. Furthermore, the SMC controller performed better than both the passive off and the passive on control systems for its ability to vary its properties to more effectively control the structure. The results clearly demonstrate that the MR damper has the potential for improving the seismic behavior of civil structures.
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