梅甫良,曾德顺.一期水管冷却效应的数值模拟新方法[J].计算力学学报,2003,20(4):508~510 |
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一期水管冷却效应的数值模拟新方法 |
New method of numerical simulation for cooling effect of first stage water pipes |
修订日期:2001-11-22 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20034097 |
中文关键词: 水管冷却效应 数值模拟 有限单元离散空间域 精细积分法 状态方程 温瞬态温度场 子结构 混凝土结构 |
英文关键词:cooling effect,transient temperature field,substru cture,state equation refined integral |
基金项目: |
梅甫良 曾德顺 |
[1]石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院,山东东营257061 [2]同济大学特种土木工程研究所,上海200092 |
摘要点击次数: 1802 |
全文下载次数: 8 |
中文摘要: |
采用有限单元离散空间域,视冷却水管所在单元为子结构,其它单元为常规单元,然后,把混凝土结构瞬态温度场的有限元控制方程表示成状态方程,最后,利用精细积分法求解.结果表明,子结构、状态方程和精细积分技术的引用降低了对计算机贮存量的要求和提高了冷却水管附近温度梯度的精度,显示出极大的优越性. |
英文摘要: |
The governing equations of the finite elements for the transient temperature field of concrete structures were expressed into t he st ate equations dispersing a spatial domain by the finite element method, regardin g th e element in which a cooling water pipe exists as a substructure, the other elem ents as common elements, and then were solved by the refined integral method. T hese results show the great advantages that the introduction of substructure, st ate equation and refined integral technology reduces requirement for computer storag e quantity, and enhances the temperature gradient accuracy off the water pipes. |
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