Dynamics modeling and numerical simulation for a rigid-flexible coup ling multibody system
中文关键词:  刚-柔耦合 多体系统动力学 建模 数值仿真 数学模型 有限元法 风阻 有粘性阻尼
英文关键词:rigid flexible coupling,multibody system dynamics,mathematical model,FEM,numerical simulation,air damping
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (1 9832 0 4 0 ),国家教委博士点专项科研基金资助项目(2 0 0 0 0 2 4 81 8)
杨辉  洪嘉振  余征跃
上海交通大学建筑工程与力学学院 上海200030 (杨辉,洪嘉振)
,上海交通大学建筑工程与力学学院 上海200030(余征跃)
摘要点击次数: 3880
全文下载次数: 8
      The traditional hybrid coordinate model of flexible m ultibody system is considered as a zero order approximate dynamic model due to its neglect of the high order coupling deformation kinematics. This a pproach fails to account for dynamic stiffening and may lead to erroneous re sults in some high speed cases. This paper presents a finite element model for a multibody system consisting of a rotating hub and a flexible beam with a tip m ass. The corresponding dynamics models of the viscous damping and air resistance are developed in a consistent manner. Based on the deformation theory and geome tric constraints, the longitudinal deformation due to the transverse deflection is t aken into account and the effect of dynamic stiffening is captured. This mod el is different from the model for dynamic stiffening problem in that the la rge overall motion of the reference frame of the beam is not prescribed and is a ffected by elastic deformation. A numerical example is given in the end, which i s more general than the well know n example for dynamic stiffening. This example illustrates not only the defic iency of the zero order approximate dynamic model more profoundly, but also the validity of the proposed model.
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