Adjoint method of heat conduction sensitivity analysis
中文关键词:  热传导 灵敏度分析 伴随法 瞬态约束处理 关键点方法 精细积分解法 瞬态问题 有限元法
英文关键词:heat transfer,finite element,sensitivity,adjoint method,precise time integration
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (1 9872 0 1 7,1 0 0 32 0 30 ),国家重点基础研究专项经费 (G1 9990 32 80 5),高技术研究发展计划专项经费资助
陈飚松  林巍  顾元宪
大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连116024 (陈飚松,林巍)
,大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连116024(顾元宪)
摘要点击次数: 1372
全文下载次数: 8
      Based on research of the direct method for sensitivit y analysi s of heat conduction, an adjoint method is further investigated in the paper. B oth the steady state problem and the transient problem are taken into account. A fter a brief introduction of the finite element method for heat conduction, the sens itivity equations of heat conduction are deduced by the adjoint method. The deta il formulations are presented. As for a transient problem, the algorithm of cr itical time constraint is discussed. And then a new method, the precise time int egration (PTI) method, is proposed to solve the equations of the adjoint method. The PTI method guarantees the numerical stability and precision in the results. The numerical examples show that the direct method and the adjoint method can a chieve the same precision in the results. However as for the transient problem, the adjoint method is easy to implement.
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