王晓鹏.基于遗传算法的飞机气动优化设计[J].计算力学学报,2002,19(2):188~191201 |
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基于遗传算法的飞机气动优化设计 |
Optimization and design for aerodynamic configuration of aircraft based on genetic algorithm |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20022040 |
中文关键词: 遗传算法 气动外形 优化设计 飞机设计 机翼 机身 升阻比 |
英文关键词:genetic algorithm,aerodynamic configuration,optimization and design |
基金项目: |
王晓鹏 |
西北工业大学飞机系 西安710072.上海航天技术研究院,上海200233 |
摘要点击次数: 1997 |
全文下载次数: 9 |
中文摘要: |
建立了一种以实数编码技术为基础的遗传算法模型,并把它与通过工程估算的气动分析方法相结合,进行飞机气动形的单点和多点优化设计。 优化设计中,设计变量取机为机翼、机身和尾翼的外形及三者之间的相对位置,优化目标是使飞机在跨音速和超音速飞行状态下获得配平状态下最大的升阻比。设计结果表明该优化设计方法是十分有效的,可以用来具有正常布局形式的飞机进行气动外形的优化设计。 |
英文摘要: |
One of genetic algorithms, which is established based on real number skill and then combines with aerodynamic analysis through engineering evaluation, is used to carry out aerodynamic single point and multi point designs of aircraft. During the optimization and design, the geometry and relative positions among wing, body and horizontal tail are taken as the design variables. The objective of optimization is to get the highest lift to drag ratio of aircraft as possible at both transonic and supersonic states at trim. The optimization results show that the optimization design method presented here is effective to be employed to carry out aerodynamic configuration design of aircraft with conventional layout. |
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