Stochastic finite element method in engineering fracture analysis
中文关键词:  弹塑性断裂力学 工程方法 随机有限元
英文关键词:elastic-plastic fracture mechanics,engineering method,stochastic finite element method
基金项目:冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金资助 (课题号 :2 0 0 1 0 2 )
李建康  孙训方
[1]西南交通大学应用力学与工程系,成都610031;兰州铁道学院土木工程系,兰州730070 [2]西南交通大学应用力学与工
摘要点击次数: 1615
全文下载次数: 8
      When fracture porbability analyses for a structure is done, it is necessary to compute the mean values and variances of fracture parameters. The mean values can be calculated by normal finite element method while to calculate the variances needs by using stochastic finite element method. In this paper a method has been introduced by which the engineering fracture analysis can use a penalty stochastic finite element. First the formulae are given which can be used to calculate the fracture mechanics parameters of a single edged crack plate by means of stochastic finite element method. The fracture mechanics parameters include the J-integral and the crack opening displacement and the relative displacement and angle of rotation of upper and lower of the plate, as well as their derivatives with respect to a basic stochastic variable. The derivatives in the fracture mechanics parameters calculations, such as derivatives of the displacements, the strains as well as stresses, are calculated by a nonlinear penalty stochastic finite element method used in powerhardenging material.\;Then a differential method is introduced to test the results calculated by the stochastic finite element method.\;In the end, some computation examples of engineering fracture analysis are given including elastic fracture analysis and fully plastic fracture analysis. In the elastic fracture analysis the crack length is as a basic stochastic variable and in fully plastic fracture analysis the crack length and the power index are as basic stochastic variables.
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