裘春航,吕和祥.在哈密顿体系下分析非线性动力学问题[J].计算力学学报,2000,17(2):127~132169 |
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在哈密顿体系下分析非线性动力学问题 |
Solving the problems of nonlinear dynamics based on Hamiltonian system |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20002025 |
中文关键词: 非线性振动 精细积分 哈密顿体系 非线性动力学 |
英文关键词:nonlinear vibration,precise integration,Hamiltonian system,limit cycle |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金!重大项目 ( 1 9990 51 0 ) |
裘春航 吕和祥 |
大连理工大学工程力学系,大连 |
摘要点击次数: 4200 |
全文下载次数: 9 |
中文摘要: |
首先将n维未知向量q的二阶非线性力系统Mq+Gq+Kq=F(q,q,t)转化为与其等价的2n维未知向量v的一阶微分方程v=Hv+f(v,t),其中非线性部分ji(v,t)=0(i=1,...n),fi(v,t)=Fi-n(q,q,t)(i=n+1,...2n);然后给出一种求解v的逐步积分公式,从而将精细积分法进一步推广应用到非线性动力学问题。算例表明本方法的计算量较小且结果合理可靠。 |
英文摘要: |
The second nonlinear system to be solved derived to the Hamitonian formulation dv/dt=Hv f(v,t), in which v is an unknown 2n\|dimensional vector, H is a coefficient matrix, and f(v,t) is its nonlinear part. Based on 2\ N type algorithm [3] , a precise time integration method with remarkable accuracy for solving such a nonlinear system is presented in this paper. The algorithm was proved highly effective for a series of numerical examples. |
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