李录贤,沈亚鹏.粘弹性大变形动力响应的有限元分析[J].计算力学学报,1994,11(4): |
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粘弹性大变形动力响应的有限元分析 |
Finite element analysis for viscoelastic large deformation dynamic response |
DOI:10.7511/jslx19944049 |
中文关键词: 有限元 粘弹性 动力响应/大变形 |
英文关键词:finite element method,viscoelasticty,dynamic response/large deformation |
基金项目:航天部四院四十一所的资助 |
李录贤 沈亚鹏 |
西安交通大学工程力学研究所 |
摘要点击次数: 2893 |
全文下载次数: 7 |
中文摘要: |
本文基于TotalLagrangian增量叠加方法,采用Kirchhoff应力增量和Green应变增量表示的动力虚功方程和Kirchhoff应力-Green应变的单积分型本构关系,导出粘弹性大变形的动力变分方程。依此采用Newmark法和八节点轴对称等参数元与二十节点三维等参数元编制了轴对称及三维问题的动力响应计算程序,典型例题的计算结果表明分析符合结构的物理性质。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the Total Lagrangian(TL)incremental superimposing method,dynamic varia-tional equations for viscoelastic large deformation are derived by use of dynamic virtual equa-tions and single-integral-formed constitutive relations between Kirchhoff stresses and Greenstrains. According to these,making use of the Newmark algorithm and 8-node axi-symmet-ric and 3-D isoparametric elements,computer codes of dynamic responses for axis-symmetricand 3-D problems are developed.Numerical results for typical examples show that our analy-ses give a good agreement with the physical characteristics of the structures. |
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