邓绍忠,周树荃.一类有限元结构分析的EBE计算方法[J].计算力学学报,1994,11(3): |
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一类有限元结构分析的EBE计算方法 |
A class of EBE computational methods for finite element structural analysis |
DOI:10.7511/jslx19943048 |
中文关键词: 有限元法,结构分析/并行算法 |
英文关键词:finite element method,structural analysis/parallel algorithm, |
基金项目:国防科技预研任务课题 |
邓绍忠 周树荃 |
南京航空航天大学数理力学系 |
摘要点击次数: 1658 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
本文利用EBE策略 ̄[1]的基本思想,给出一类有限元结构分析的EBE计算方法,即EBE共轭梯度法EBE-CG和EBE预处理共轭梯度法EBE-PCG,这类方法避免了传统有限元结构分析中总刚度阵的组集而可大大降低存储量要求。同时它们还特别适合在各种粒度下的多处理机系统上实现。初步数值试验结果表明:这类EBE有限元结构分析方法对串行和并行计算都是很有效的。 |
英文摘要: |
By using the basic idea of EBE strategy,we present a class of EBE computational methodsfor finite element structural analysis,i.e.EBE conjugate gradient methd and EBE preconditionedconjugate gradient method in tiie paper.The class of methods not only can save effectively memo-ry space of computer without the need to construct the global stiffness matrix,but is well suitablefor parallel computing on muitiprocesscr system with little or middle or large number of proces-sors. A tentative numerical example shows that the above class of EBE computational methods forfinite element structural analysis is very efficient for both sequential and parallel computing. |
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