Research on the Dynamic Behaviour of Primary Loop Piping System in Nuclear Reactor
中文关键词:  管道系统,动力分析,模态综合
英文关键词::piping system,dynamic analysis,modal synthesis
赵国桥  郑兆昌
清华大学工程力学系 100084 (赵国桥)
,清华大学工程力学系 100084(郑兆昌)
摘要点击次数: 1363
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      The dynamic behaviour and nonlinear response of primary loop piping system in nuclear reactor under break-off conditions is studied in this paper. The unified dynamic substructure method is adopted to facilitate the computation. Lanczos algorithm and Arnoldi method are individually used to solve real and complex eigenvalue problems of the piping system considering the flow speed or not. The relationship between the natural frequencies and the flow speed is presented. When the force functions are given in the case of assumed guillotine or longitudinal break,some efficient numerical techniques, include combining Lanczos base and modal synthesis method to reduce the nonlinear DOF, and perturbation,pseduo-force method,are employed for nonlinear response analysis. It is shown that the computer software programmed by the theoritical methods mentioned in this paper is of practical value for the design and evaluation of primary piping system. Some numerical examples are presented in this paper.
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