Elastic-Plastic Buckling Analysis of Shallow Truss Structures by the Generalized Incremental Method
中文关键词:  广义逆矩阵,广义增量法,极值点
英文关键词:the generalized inverse, generalized incremental method,limit point.,
关富玲  半谷裕彦
杭州电子工业学院 310012 (关富玲)
,东京大学 日本(半谷裕彦)
摘要点击次数: 1056
全文下载次数: 1
      The generalized incremental method to analyze the nonlinear load-displacement relations including the limit point in the elasticplastic regions is presented and illustrative examples for shallow truss structures are shown.The load-incremental method is one of the basic analytical methods for the numerical analysis of nonlinear problems of structures. However. when there exist critical points on the equilibrium path, the determinat of the tangent stiffness matrix becomes zero at these points , and a numerically unstable situation develops in the vicinity of critical point. Therefore, it is impossible to pursue the equilibrium path beyond the critical point by type load-incremental method. To avoid such a situation, the displacement-incremental method, the perturbation method, the arc-length method, etc. have been developed. But these methods have also disadvantages for the selection of an incremental parameter and the addition a nonlinear constraint.Based on the above consideration, a new incremental method, which will be called " Generalized Incremental Method" , is presented by using the generalized inverse.
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