Optimal Design of Composite Material Stiffened Panel
中文关键词:  复合材料,加筋壁板,最轻重量设计,罚函数
英文关键词:composite material, stiffened panel minimum-mass design, penalty function
黄琦  丁惠梁
航空航天部623研究所 (黄琦)
摘要点击次数: 1525
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      The minimum-mass design of composite material stiffened panel subjected to longitudinal compression and shear loadings is presented in this paper. A set of simplified buckling equations is adapted and the semi-analytical formulas for critical loadings of the panel are established. The optimization of the stiffened panel is presented and solved as a nonlinear mathematical programing problem. The method of multipliers penalty function is used to determine the minimum-mass configuration of the graphite/epoxy hat-stiffened panel. The objective function is the mass of unit surface area per unit length of the panel(i.e. the mass index W/AL).The design requirements (constraints) considered are strenghth of the laminate, global/local buckling, stiffnesses, longitudinal strain of the stiffened panel and the upper and lower bounds on the cross-section dimensions. A series of optimum results by this procedure coincide well with available NASA design charts. It is shown that this simplified set of buckling equations have adequate precision for stability prediction optimization and hence could be used for the preliminary design of composite stiffened panel. The procedure given in this paper could be used for engineering application.
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