The Effect of Nonlinear Behaviour of Composite Material on the Interlaminar Stress Field in the Vicinity of Thermo-Free Edge Region of Composite Laminates
中文关键词:  物理非线性,复合材料,自由边界效应
英文关键词:physical nonlinearity,composite materials,the effect of free edge
息志臣  陈浩然
大连理工大学工程力学研究所 (息志臣)
摘要点击次数: 1586
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      The utilization of composite laminates has greatly increased during the past decade, employed in structures as major components, especially in the aircraft industry. At the straight edges and at hole and cutout edges, called free edges, high values of interlaminar stresses are obtained in addition to the fact that locations are natureral stress raisers, that is because of the ply deformation mismatching caused by different fiber orientations and possibly different materials at the interface between adjacent plies. Therefore, interface failure, called delamination,could be a controlling failure mode and a major damage mode for composite laminates.The problem of the interlaminar stresses and de-lamination phenominon analysis of composite laminated components has been widely studied; especially for idealized linear response situation. However cornparetively little study has been made of nonlinear behaviour situation. The goal of the presented paper is to study the effect of nonlinear behaviour of composite materials en interlaminar stress field in the vicinity cf thermo-free edge region of ccmposite laminates. The 3D-modified Hahn-Tsai nonlinear constitutive mcdel for ccmposite laminae developed by authors and a Quasi-3D finite element scheme and approach are employed in interlaminar stress analysis. The numerical results for typical Pagano problem by using both of linear and nonlinear analysis are presented. The numerical results show that the nonlinear response of composite materials can significantly reduces the concentrated stress level and extent of interlaminar shear stresses in the vicinity of free edge cf composite laminates, but only slightly changes the concentrated level and extent of interlaminar normal stress.The conclusions will be enable researcher and analyst in the research field of mechanics of composite materials to get some better understanding of the nature of interlaminar stresses in the vinicity free edges of composite laminates. The project has been supported by the National Science Fund in China.
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